Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Perspective Swan

It's so nice to NOT have to be obligated to post everyday on this site. Unlike Siriusly Potter which is news and has to be updated everyday.... And we haven't exactly been completely great with that. But we're working on it.

So I felt obligated to write about our main character Bella Swan (aka...the Swanster, Vamp Lover, B to the ella, Mrs. Edward Cullen). She is pretty important, yeah?

I guess she's okay.

I mean I like that she's so realistic and not perfect like some people (coughCullenscough). But in a way it seems like she isn't that realistic. She's smart, beautiful, funny... almost golden. The fact that she is so humble makes her the idealistic character that everyone wants to be like. She lands the guy too! I kind of wish that she wasn't so humble, that she was a bit more confident or maybe had a rebellious streak, you know? Like she enjoyed pulling pranks and being just plain awesome.

I read this fanfic on (great site!) and it was called "Bella Swan: Kidnapper". It was UH-mazing, with a capital UH. Bella had so much life to her in that story and she seemed just more relatable in my mind. But my head works weird so feel free to comment and tell that I'm wrong.

It kind of seems like Bella's only personality traits are her love of reading (to repetitive Stephenie... really now), her love for Edward, her strong sense of friendship, her love of Edward, and did I mention, her love of Edward? All the other traits are just classic things you see in all characters. I want something different!!! I want to see more Bella, not just how much she loves Edward.

Bella is of course not completely horrible. She a strong woman, which is admirable. Really, facing a vampire who wants your blood? BRAVENESS!! But doing it to save Edward? This brings me back to my total bashing of Twilight being turned off by the whole Bella and Edward love thing. At least Ed has some personality?


And that is why I have turned to fanfics to fulfill that sense of Bella having no personality which she really needs.

Movie time! Kristen Stewart is a brilliant actress, and I love her work. Panic Room, In the Land of Women... all genius! Not only great plots, but fantastic music and acting. However I think Kristen kind of brings some of that sullen teenagerness to all her roles, which kind of bugs me. But compared to other actors today she really shines. Even when not comparing them she is amazing!

As Bella I guess she's okay, but the role doesn't suit her in my opinion. Her voice is really sort of deep and gravelly and compelling in a way, but Bella's voice just isn't like that in my head. She also doesn't have the whole smiley, blushing thing going for either, which is a big part of the character. But she makes do with what she has and pulls it off. Not my first choice, but okay then.

So this has been my perspective on Bella, and I hope you have enjoyed it. Vanessa and Jordan are going to be bashing my head against a wall one of these says for all my bashing, but let's hope they don't read this.

BUT, obviously you're reading this and you need to comment. Just a few seconds of your time doesn't hurt. And neverfear! I will reply! That goes for you all you eighth grade fans of Elliott who should be my fans as well cause I'm just so cool.

I know you're reading this. That sounded creepy, yeah? Don't worry I'm not a creeper though! I just discovered that word... creeper. Such a great word. I've been using it a lot. And that probably isn't a good thing....

And isn't that an intense Kristen. I couldn't find anything that pleased me for this article but it'll do.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Perspective on Ed (CULLEN!)

So this blog is called "Perspective Ed" right? So I have to talk about Edward Cullen, it's a big DUH sort of thing.

I got to say, I'm practically in love with Edward Cullen. No I'm not a fan girl, and I don't do t-shirts and obsessive stalking or the like, but who wouldn't swoon over a cute vampire who is actually pretty deep?

Yeah that's right, Im talking about his PERSONALITY.

Ed, like everyone else human or vampire, has his flaws, but he is still a pretty cool guy. He listens to all sorts of music which can most definitely lead to a few good discussions and arguments (the 60s and 70s were horrible? He must be joking, right? Those were the decades with some damn good music. The Beatles anyone? How about Motown?). Not only that he's had plenty of time to read good books, has lived through several historical events (he could have been at Woodstock baby!! Can vampires do drugs? Imagine a very high Edward.... *smirks*), and still is a very grounded person.

He isn't like the VILE Jacob Black, whom I absolutely intensely dislike. Sorry folks, but I just don't like him. He's too cocky and arrogant for my taste.

The way I see it, Edward Cullen is a guy who you can argue with for hours without him backing down (although he cheats with his mind reading), a guy who is sweet and gentlemanly with old-fashioned manners (Chivalry is not dead with this guy!), and not to mention super cute. If you can't date him, he'd still make a very loyal and funny friend. He may seem a bit uptight sometimes, but he can't be lame all the time, yeah?

He's a vampire, and they just want to have fun! (Cue theme music and a dancing Emmett).

So yeah. Fan girls are in for his looks and sweep-you-off-your-feet attitude. I love him for what I'd imagine his personality would be like.

And Robert Pattison is super cute! You dazzle me...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Like These Posters....

So this is a new Twilight website where I basically slander/praise (mainly slander) the Twilight Saga.

It's not going to be completely negative, because contrary to my many insults to the series, I don't hate or completely dislike it. It's actually okay. I just think Harry Potter is way better...

But yeah. It's going to be awesome! Who got the name? Perspective Ed.... Edward's Perspective! Hells yeah! Vanessa was totally against the name, but this is my site since she's starting some other weirdo site.

This site is WAY cooler. Only the cooler kids hang here. Not the cool kids, the COOLER kids.